I was in the war for the first time…

I had my shield to protect me, and I was full of courage.. but then.. the enemy stood in-front of me and shouted… “If’ only you had a knife you would have won this battle.. at that very moment I blamed myself for not having a knife, and I got little discouraged thinking about the knife – forgetting what I already had – A shield..

I tried defending myself, and somehow I escaped that war for a while…. I sat by the corner trying to quiet my mind, to listen to my own critique that said ‘If only I had a knife”..

I was feeling thirsty so I headed towards my bag to grab my bottle, as I was searching for the bottle I saw a knife in my bag..
The knife once I kept with me, near to my heart… Here it was.. Again in my hand…
That’s when I smiled at myself….. thinking…
“I already had it all along the way, it’s just that I forgot that I had it with me’…

We have the things we need in life, it’s just that we forget about it…
It maybe a skill you have, or knowledge about something you already have.. but sometimes we get over-whelmed by the words of others…
So have patience, look again into your inner-self… The gift is within you.. Just acknowledge it’s presence….

#Connecting thoughts with reality..
— All rights reserved 2018
—- Abdul Gani Punjabi

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